Office Protocols and PPE Acquisitions

Our goal first and foremost is the safety and well being of our patients, staff, and community. Our purpose is to maintain and surpass industry standards, so you continue to enjoy the comfort and safe environment you come to expect from our brand. We have spent an inordinate amount of time in amassing PPE. You are more accustomed to the PPE you hear and see from media outlets including masks, gloves, face shields, gowns, etc. However, dentistry, and especially your Team at UMDA, have gone way beyond any set standards for the industry and would like to introduce you to other PPE. Since we closed to Shelterin Place, we went on a relentless campaign to procure equipment to improve air quality, and nearly eliminate aerosol production, all in an effort to reduce the transmissibility of any unwanted microbes. Below you will also find links to view video imagery. But first, acclimate yourself to the patient screening tools and protocols in place in order to enter the practice safely. We miss you and cannot wait to see you again.

Patient Screening/Acceptance/Entry into Practice

  • The patient is instructed to wear a face covering when presenting to the office
  • The patient contacts the front desk upon parking and remains in car
  • The patient is instructed to enter the office, and met at the door by a staff member
  • The patient is brought into the treatment room
  • The patient uses hand sanitizer
  • The patient is seated and bibbed
  • The patient rinses with 1.5% solution H2O2 and water and Listerine
  • Masks and gloves MAY NOT be readily given out to any patients as it will diminish inventory
  • Treatment may begin
  • a $12 Infection control fee will be applied to partially offset the exorbitant costs accrued for PPE. We want to be transparent and not just add it into treatment fees, as your insurance carriers should participate in assisting you. We thank you for your support and cooperation

    TRUSENS AIR PURIFIER TruSens purifier

    TruSens is a medical grade air purifier with a proprietary DuPont HEPA filter and an internal UV light sterilization, trapping microbes internally. The air in the rooms get turned over up to six times per hour. There is one in each treatment room and a fourth larger design in the waiting/front desk area.


    The Isolite system has been around for some time, but was recently redesigned and improved on all levels, with multiple mouthpiece sizes. It is a powerful in the mouth suction device maintaining a cleaner work area and reducing aersols all while allowing the patient to relax their jaw muscles.


    This is yet another level of a poweful in the mouth suction device designed to maintain a cleaner workspace and limit the amount of aerosol production. The use in combination with the IsoDry system will prove to be a sustantial tandem in eliminating aerosol and expediting the procedures.


    And batting clean up is this heavy hitter. An extra oral suction device that further eliminates the possiblity of microbes in the air. A leading triple filter of carbon, HEPA, and plama and UV light double sterilization.

    ULV Sprayer and Hypochlorus Acid (HOCL)

    Long utilized in hospitals and restaurant kitchens, HOCL is a safe and powerful weapon in killing all significant bacteria and viruses. It is reconized to kill a multitude of microbes. Click Here to view the Kill List.

    Click Here to view some background of HOCL and its properites. We plan on spraying the office mid day and at the end of the day. Natural protection in its' purest form.

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    Hours of Operation - Lorraine and Bellevue Campus Combined

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    9:00 am-7:00 pm


    8:00 am-4:00 pm


    8:00 am-7:00 pm


    8:00 am-4:00 pm


    8:00 am-2:00 pm


    9:00 am-2:00 pm

